This project will build upon our conversations of design, including visual, spatial, and aural representations.

Prepare for this by finding and reading a graphic novel. I suggest going to the Champaign Public Library or the Urbana Free Library – their collections are much more extensive than what I’ve found at the UGL. Also, here are some resources for finding great graphic novels:

We will talk about graphic novels more explicitly, but your project will be to take one page (or a one page-spread) and explain it to us in one minute. This presentation should draw upon our class’s conversations, be interesting, and teach us something. Your peers will ask you two questions about what you presented.

What will I look for?

  1. Did you answer this question: What can graphic novels do at the intersections of visual, spatial, and oral rhetorics? In doing so, I expect you’ll give a sense of the graphic novel as a whole, lead us into the specific page you chose, and then draw upon the experiences of this class (readings, projects, discussions) to
  2. Did you present for 1min, and was your presentation coherent and cohesive? Did you teach us something? How was your walking through the page more effective than if we just read it ourselves?
  3. Did your answers to the your peers’ questions demonstrate command of the text as a whole as well as the connections you were making to it? Basically, did you give thoughtful answers even as you worked on your feet?